Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I dream of Britney.

Maybe i have been doing a little too much obsessing about Brit Brit lately. Normally i would never say such things, but last night i had the weirdest dream about her. Not sure about you , but when I dream, i never really remember how they start. Its as if there is  no start and the middle of the dream is actually when it starts. Its all relative i guess, so the middle is the beginning even though the beginning of my dream was actually the middle? I don't know. Either way Brit Brit and I were somewhere out and about separately at a bar, or club. I decided that when i saw her i had nothing to lose, so i went up to her and asked her for her phone number. Of course its a dream, and more importantly its MY dream, and we all know that it would be a dream to get Brit Brit's number, so in my dream...she gave it to me. The problem is that she kept telling me the number and i kept getting it wrong. She would say 10 digits, i would write them down and show them to her to make sure they were right, and they weren't. Over and over i kept asking her and she would tell me again and again, but i never could get them right.I was getting SO frustrated.  Why couldn't i get it right?? Its Brit Brit!!! What does that mean?? Next thing i remember,  i was giving her a piggy-back ride,  running down the street thinking the paparazzi was following us, but then when i turned around, no one was. It was so weird, i thought for sure we were being chased, but nothing. We ended up at this old apt building that I've never lived at in real life, but i did recognize it from previous dreams. I hadn't been there in awhile so i was trying to put my key in all these different apt doors until one finally worked out. We finally got in the apt, and there was Seinfeld DVDs all over the floor, and my friend Berto's bicycle was there, along with his motorcycle leathers. It was as if i moved out, but left a bunch of stuff there.....Then my alarm went off, and poof........there went Brit Brit.
Dreams are amazing. I gave Brit Brit a piggy-back ride to my apartment. I love her.

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