Thank goodness that June is almost over because it seems to me to be the month of death. First Ed McMahon (spell check), then arguably the hottest Charlie's Angel ever Farrah Faucet, then the King of plastic surgery/pop, and then this goldfish Abraham.
Abe, and I had a lot of good memories. He was always there with his shoulder for me to cry on no matter what. He was the most resilient fish I've ever had. I once went to Indonesia for 3 weeks and totally forgot to have someone feed him, but upon my return, there he was swimming in all his glory. Abraham was the best. R.I.P.
Abraham 2.14.06-6.27.09
The best damn goldfish this side of the Mississippi.
On a brighter note, Morrissey is still alive for now, but he sure does miss Abe.