Lets update you quickly;
-Trying to raise money to do this AIDS ride this summer, if you can help..sick, if not..well....jsut donate and lets not go the "if not" place. Click me if you like OSB. Help me.
1. Laker are in the playoffs...fuck yeah
2. Clippers (season ticket owner) are the worst fucking team in the league. If anyone from the Clippers organization is reading this...you owe me $4,000 for 42 losing games. Make checks payable to Oh Sweet Butter Inc. Thanks
C. Got fired from Nixon for not sucking cock and/or drinking their kool-aid.
3. Started an Ebay empire.....and I'm killing it, thank you. This is going to help with my AIDS ride woohoo!!
4. American Idol is ruling this season, along with DWTS, and Biggest Loser...so come 7pm...I'm triple booked. Yes I'm gay.
Adding to my lagging is the fact that I think I have a gf. Not sure, but it seems like I do. I have the headaches that usually come with such, and the deeper we get, the less sex I have....so yeah, I have a gf. argh.
Adams gonna win AI.
Tormentous is the best BBM buddy in the world (Jerry, you're second..only cuz you don't watch AI or DWTS)
To celebrate my new found freedom from Nixon, I'm thinking about a new bike.

Swine Flu is out and about....we are SO prepared for this thing. You shouldn't be eating pig anyway. They lie in their own shit all day...nice marinate.
Fuck I missed you!
i love you.
Welcome the fuck back!
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