I thought the day would never come. My sweet sweet bike is back home where she belongs. Got up at 6am (did you know its still dark out at 6?) and took the train down to San Diego to pick up Sweet Butter. The anticipation was killing me. Last night I couldn't sleep a wink. Got on the train thought i could sleep until i got to SD...no luck. Jonesing ain't the word. It was as if I was a virgin and Marissa Miller was in San Diego waiting to rip my clothes off and break me in proper. When i finally arrived at the station, i took a cab to the house where my bike was at. Got there, walked up the driveway which seemed to be 3 miles long, and at the end was a trailer....sealed. Now, since i had been awake, I'd been really really needing to use the restroom. I had to poo SO bad that it was painful, but some how when i arrived....the need to release my feces had all but completely disappeared. Amazing right? The mind, combined with the sphincter are powerful things. Not being able to wait any longer ......I cracked the seal...... to the trailer that is.......and BOOOOOOYYYYAAAHHHH!!!! There she was. She was beautiful......all black, she had her black Levi's on, and she was oh so clean. I was drooling, and i wanted to mount her immediately. I needed to feel her vibrate in between my little shaved thighs.......Pulled the choke, hit the start button, and she started to scream.....i think she was saying something to the effect of, " rape me". So being the gentleman that i am, i obliged.......
So on the road i went. I had 2 hour trek back home, and the roads were free and clear of traffic unbelievably enough. Craving a Starbucks, i exited the freeway, got off the bike, and then i noticed that there was oil EVERYWHERE!!!! So i cursed for about 30 seconds, then of course.....I did what any man would do in this situation.....Called Jake.
But everything is always OK when i come home to my sons face, and it looks like this.

so....what happened? what was the issue? what was the fix?
so stoked for you to have that thing finally!
Hilarious! I told you black girls rule, Congrats
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